Don't Mess with the Flu


Getting Your Vaccination Can Make a Big Difference

JOINT NEWS RELEASE Dane County Immunization Coalition & Public Health Madison & Dane County Madison WI - December 12, 2008 - With the holiday season now in full gear, it's a very busy time when it's easier to forget some important "to dos". One of these easy-to-forget items is getting your flu vaccination. Flu is a lot more serious than even a bad cold. It can keep you in bed for one to two weeks with hacking coughs, severe muscle aches, head ache, fever, chills, and exceptional fatigue. These are not the kinds of sensations that make for happy holiday spirits. For those over 50 and people with chronic health problems, flu can be a significant health risk. Even healthy kids are likely to be extremely susceptible to flu and because they have not developed any immunity to flu from previous exposures, they can really suffer from these awful symptoms. Moreover, kids can easily spread the flu at home, in classrooms or daycares, to parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, classmates, and teachers. For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommend that all children, through age 18, get an annual flu shot. That's right one flu vaccination every year. And an important reminder children under age 9, getting their first flu vaccination ever, need a second dose about a month later. Sporadic cases of flu circulate through our community in December, but January and February each year are the usual months for increased incidence of influenza so it's not too late to get your vaccination. These are some of the reasons why the provider members of the Dane County Immunization Coalition and Public Health Madison & Dane County want you be sure you get your flu shot. With all the many respiratory viruses that make their way through Dane County this winter season the one you most want to avoid is influenza. So put it on your list, and get your flu vaccination. It just may help assure both a happy holiday season and a healthier winter. -END-


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